JRP 14in1 Replacement Parts & Spares

In this section you can find replacement parts for the JRP 14in1 multi gauge systems, we have everything from cables, to sensors, to even the control units. While our 14in1 systems are incredibly durable, sometimes things can happen where a cable is damaged during use, or we have had customers unfortunately dunk their vehicles in deep water and manage to submerge their control units.
This category has a list of the parts that will cover all owners in the event of either failure of a sensor from age, a cable failing due to age or excessive vibration, or after an unfortunate incident resulting in damage to any of the systems components.
If you are in doubt about which part you may need to fix your 14in1 after damage has occurred to the system, feel free to call our amazing technical staff and they will be only too happy to help work out which parts you need to get your 14in1 system up and running again.