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3-Port Radiator Hose Sensor Adapter 36mm

$31.85USD $44.20USD
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Code: 3-port-adapter-36mm

Here we have the JRP 3-port radiator hose sensor adapter, these are also commonly referred to as a water temp sensor hose adapter in 36mm, but the reason we didn’t use this term is because these adapters being 3-ports, aren’t just used for water temp, as that only requires a single port on the adapter. These are used for more than just good old water temp, read below for why these radiator hose adapters are different, and why they are important for our customers buying certain JRP gauge solutions.

These little adapters were designed in-house by our engineering team, and we didn’t spare any lengths on the quality of the adapters, from the anodised finish to the fittings they come with if not using all three ports, these adapters are something we are very proud of, and the quality speaks for itself. The main reason we went to these lengths was, there isn’t any other 3-port adapters on the market like these, and you might say, hey I only need 1-port right?

Well the short answer is not necessary, if you have bought any of our new gauge products that are using Head Guard, which uses a water temp senor + a low coolant sensor to add a low coolant alarm to certain JRP gauges, or a product with Head Guard Ultra which has not only the low coolant sensor which lets you setup a low coolant alarm, but also a water pressure sensor as well, which then lets you setup a high water pressure alarm as well along with monitoring the water pressure in your radiator system.

If you are installing a water temp sensor onto your engine, but you now have one of our products that has the low coolant sensor, or you have the trio with Head Guard Ultra which consists of a water temp sensor + low coolant sensor + water pressure sensor, these little adapters allow you to install all three sensors onto your engine with the one little adapter. This simplifies the installation of any of our products which have Head Guard, or Head Guard ultra and make the installation process much simpler than if you had to find places to install each sensor into the engine without using an adapter such as this.

The design of these adapters has been made so the sensors are placed in a way to not impede flow, all the sensors sit on very different angles, so they get perfect readings, these little adapters make the installation of a water temp sensor, low coolant sensor & water pressure sensor a breeze, all in the one neatly designed little package.

We went all out on the design of these adapters, because we knew that once we launched the range of products with the Head Guard & Head Guard Ultra, customers needed a simple and hassle-free way to install two or three sensors onto their engines and into their coolant systems, and well, here it is, a perfect and cost effective solution that can handle 2 to 3 sensors on the single adapter.

These 3-port 1/8 NPT radiator hose adapters are an amazing little design, our head engineer spent a great deal of time making sure they perfect in every way, and if you are looking at running any of our gauges on your engines which have Head Guard or Head Guard Ultra, this is going to make life so much simpler installing the sensors onto your engine.

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